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How to Keep Data Safe

Whatever your industry customers and clients depend on your business to ensure their personal data secure. If hackers gain access your data, they can cause identity theft, financial fraud and a loss of confidence. It is possible to prevent data breaches before they occur.

To ensure that personal information stored offline is secure, you need to ensure that physical documents such as disks and paper files aren’t accessible by unauthorised individuals. It is crucial to clearly label all storage media and ensure that the company’s policies are adhered to when handling sensitive documents.

Personal information online is more difficult to protect because it is stored on computers, servers and other devices that have the capability to communicate online. The best practices to protect personal information online differ based on platform. It is essential to investigate the security policies of a company before storing sensitive data. Regulations such as GDPR, CCPA and HIPAA help individuals and organizations to share and eliminate their personal data.

Data encryption is one of the best ways to protect your data. It’s recommended to regularly review the amount of data you have and only keep the data that is necessary. This can help you avoid major data breaches that could be devastating to your business and on the people who rely on you for their personal information.

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