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How to Improve Board Members Communications

Open and honest communications between board members help create a sense trust that encourages accountability. This results in a board that is more attuned and engaged and empowered to make decisions that are in line with the goals of the organization.

The new board members must be aware of their duties and expectations from the beginning of their tenure. This includes the need to volunteer time, making professional and personal connections, as well participating in fundraising activities. A welcome letter will outline the communication channels along with meeting dates and pertinent information to help new directors settle in quickly.

It is essential to tailor the communication of board members according to their personal preferences. For instance, some prefer reading lengthy reports, whereas others might be better able to comprehend visualizations of data. Avoid technical language when writing reports or other information to help make it easier to comprehend. If needed to, use analogies or real-world examples to illustrate the implications or data used in reports.

It is important to alter the format of board meeting, and not rely on PowerPoint presentations. In addition to limiting the meeting duration, mixing the formats can encourage creativity and participation among board members.

Ensure that board members are able to quickly access the information they require even during meetings. Make sure you choose a document-sharing platform with user-friendly, secure features, scalable, and compliance with data protection regulations. Some of the most popular solutions include Diligent Boards, BoardEffect, Passageways OnBoard and Aporio.

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